And it's Just Like Any Other Day That's Ever Been (Robert Hunter & Jerry Garcia - 'Black Peter")

          As we continue to hunker down in our home. I have noticed something very troubling; it is something that has now happened several mornings.  Our son wakes up in time for his online class. He sits at his desk in his pajamas. He comes downstairs, he davens he eats and he returns to his classroom. Several hours later, he returns to the kitchen to eat lunch. He is still in his pajamas. Later in the afternoon, he may come down to get a snack or he may remain in his room until late afternoon. More importantly, he hasn't changed out of his pajamas. He eats dinner and this routine has gone on for several days in a row.

          At the very end of Shacharit, we recite several verses from Psalms that have been designated as Shir Shel Yom, a Psalm of the day, sort of thing. Each psalm of the day begins with a formulaic statement: HaYom Yom Revi'i B'Shabat Sh'Bo HaYu Levi'im Omrim B'Veit HaMikdash - Today is the fourth day of the Sabbath in which the Levites would recite in the Holy Temple. The formula is put into the context of Shabbat,  because we measure time in terms of Shabbat, and because we are commanded to Zachor et \Yom HaShabbat - Remember the Sabbath. Each day, we should acknowledge as a means towards Shabbat.  Each Psalm of the day begins with this formula with only the corresponding day of the week changes.  I realized that I couldn't remember what day it was. For a brief moment, I couldn't remember the day of the week within the context of Shabbat.  Like my son, who has remained in his pajamas all day until he showers only to put on a pair of clean pajamas. Days seem to blend into another day. As I took my tefillin off and re-wound them, it dawned upon me that we have to make sure that our son actually puts on clothes and gets outside each day and to establish one unique activity that corresponds to each day of the week. We all need to come up with coping mechanisms in order to not only break up the monotony of being home, staring at a screen and being on the phone. I guess it starts with changing out of one's pajamas,  getting dressed and looking at the calendar.
Rav Yitz


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