Monday 3/30: Straightening Those Who Are Bent - "The Ball Game Has Gone Much Too Far My Dear" (Bob Weir - "Born Cross Eyed")

          I woke up this morning, Oy, am I sore!  For some reason, I am acutely aware of how sore I am while I say the morning blessing: Baruch Atah Adoshem Elokeinu Melech Ha'Olam Zokeif Kefufim. Blessed Are You Lord Our God, King of the Universe Who straightens the bent. While I am sure there is a spiritual component to this praise of God; right now my legs and my back are sore and straighten out is currently an adventure. No, I haven't started bringing up the Pesach dishes, pots and pans. Yesterday, the weather was far too nice. It seems that everyone was out walking, staying away from each other but walking. Our son, who hasn't really been outside at all, even asked to go outside. He asked me to move the cars off the driveway so that we could shoot baskets.  I happily agreed. Well, shooting baskets quickly became a game of 1 on 1 game up to 7. Well, I made him work for every basket, there was nothing easy. but 15-year-old legs jump a little higher and move a little quicker than 54-year-old legs. Surprisingly I wasn't breathing so heavily. but my legs sure grew sore. This morning, I am stiff and uncomfortable. Indeed, I have a deep appreciation for the words of Zokeif Kefufim. Yet despite my sore legs and back, I found it reassuring that it is a result of my son and I doing something so normal as a game of 1 on 1.

Rav Yitz


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