Rosh Chodesh: "Or ask for the moon and heaven too" (Robert Hunter & Jerry Garcia - If I Had The World To Give)

          Well, today isn't just Thursday.  Today isn't only that we are heading towards our second Shabbat in this "new normal". Today (and tomorrow) is also Rosh Chodesh, it's the end of one month and the beginning of the new month, the month of Nissan. In case anyone had looked outside into the night sky, the moon and its light have been noticeably absent. Tonight and over the next several days we should begin to notice the moonlight. Normally I don't get too excited about Rosh Chodesh, but everything seems to have taken on the heightened meaning given the circumstances of our lives. Maybe a bit of boredom has set in. Maybe we are just looking for anything to reassure us that no matter how bad things are, Rosh Chodesh reminds us that the moon waxes and wanes. seasons change, and Pesach is in two weeks. Of course, when I finished davening and I joyfully wished her a Chodesh Tov. It's Nisan, It's two weeks until Pesach. It is the Zman Cheiruteinu, the time of our freedom. Yet we Sheltering in Place seems to be synonymous with house arrest.

          The liturgical additions to Rosh Chodesh occur in the corresponding Musaf service. Elokeinu V'Elokei Avoteinu Chadeish Aleinu et HaChodesh HaZeh L'Tovah U'LiVracha - Our God and God of our Forefathers inaugurate for us this month for good and for blessing...L'Farnasa U'LKalkala-For Sustenance and Support. I couldn't think of anything more appropriate to request during this time: L'Farnasa U'LKalkala-For Sustenance and Support. There are a variety of things that offer sustenance and support including: employment, a paycheck, food, and water. Sustenance and support occur when our kids reach out to grandparents when we call a friend to wish them a happy birthday, sending a text to a mourner. or donating masks to hospitals. It becomes clear that these deeds of sustenance and support are things we CAN do, for one another and for ourselves. These deeds re-affirm our humanity and the holiness within our souls.  Chodesh Tov!

Rav Yitz


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