Sabbath Guest 6 Feet Apart

          Our living room windows face the street and so we can see cars go by and people walk along the sidewalk as well as people walking up to our driveway.  Yesterday, while reading my book, I saw people. It was so exciting. A family of four walked up our driveway and they knocked. We all heard the door and collectively, we were so excited to have guests. No, we did not invite the family inside. The visiting family walked to the end of our driveway and we all came outside and stay 6 ft/ 2 meters apart.  There we were, two families, friends for many years purposefully standing apart. Yet there we were, despite standing 6 feet apart, we were talking about our children, our lives, our parents and how we are all dealing with this pandemic. We stood outside like this for little more than an hour. For a brief moment, something had lifted. We were talking to people, not through phone, nor through a computer application. Instead, we were speaking with live people almost face to face.  Normally, on Shabbat, my wife has trained us all to invite the guests in. My wife would have made sure to offer them food and drink.  The opportunity to demonstrate such hospitality and fulfill the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim  - brings my wife great joy. This time and for the near future, Hachnasat Orchim -hospitality would be confined to the end of our driveway, standing six feet apart. Yet we all felt such warmth, such Ta'Anug Shabbat - the joy of Shabbat without food, without a drink, just standing apart and talking.  Sheltering in Place and Physical Distancing have forced us to re-think having guests and celebrating Shabbat. Yet we have started to adapt and to cope. As we begin another week, I hope we continue to learn to adapt, to cope and to adjust.

Rav Yitz


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